Thursday, November 29, 2012

Whiplash Injury Symptoms and Treatment

At Sea Spine Orthopedic Institute one of the most common yet underestimated injuries we face with our patients is Whiplash. Whiplash is an injury to the tissues of the neck from an abrupt pull or "whipping" of the head. This sudden movement pulls the muscles and ligaments of the neck beyond their normal range of motion, hence causing pain and discomfort.


The most frequent cause of whiplash is car related incidents. When a vehicle suddenly stops from impact, the seat belt keeps a person's body from flying out. But the head usually snaps forward, then backward, causing a whiplash injury. 

Many people believe that if they are involved in a low speed impact, they wont suffer whiplash. False! In reality, low impact collisions can cause more damage on a person because the force is not absorbed by the vehicle but by the occupants within.
Besides car accidents, one can sustain whiplash on amusement park rides like roller coasters, while practicing high impact sports, fighting or being shaken.

[Did you know?] Women are affected by whiplash more often than men due to the differences in muscular bulk and the female’s smaller bone structure.


A lot of people don’t know they’ve suffered whiplash after an accident. Most people don’t notice the pain or disregard it due to how small the discomfort is. You may feel fine but pain and stiffness can surface several days after the initial accident. In the worst case symptoms can last for months or years. If after an accident you feel any of the following you might have suffered whiplash.

·      Neck pain and/or stiffness
·      Blurred vision
·      Difficulty swallowing
·      Fatigue
·      Headache
·      Shoulder pain
·      Irritability
·      Dizziness
·      Pain between the shoulder blades
·      Low back pain and/or stiffness
·      Nausea
·      Vertigo
·      Numbness and tingling
·      Pain in the jaw or face

 Diagnosis & Treatment

If you feel you have any of the symptoms listed above ask your orthopedic doctor to take a look. For minor injures or strains of the neck, without serious signs and symptoms as, or without evidence of any neurologic problems, home care may be appropriate. If there is any question about the severity or treatment of a neck injury, see a doctor.
The recovery time from whiplash depends on the gravity of the injury. Most minor whiplash injuries usually resolve within a few weeks. However severe injuries especially those that involve nerve damage t or disc injury to the spine, may require future surgical intervention to avoid chronic or permanent disability.
If you find you have suffered minor whiplash. The symptoms can be treated with simple proper home care:
·     Cold packs or ice can be applied to the neck to minimize swelling and pain.
·     If its first time and the pain is minimal take over-the-counter pain medications (Contact an Orthopedic expert)

·     Reduce motion of the head and neck until pain and muscle tension are gone.
·      Reduce strenuous activities such as sports or heavy lifting.
·      Perform slow range-of-motion exercises to gradually stretch the neck muscles.
·      Massage the sore or painful areas.
·      Use a neck collar for a short period of time to relieve discomfort. 
If you suffer severe whiplash immediately contact an expert to see what measures need to be taken, depending on the severity of your case. Many times patients don't seek treatment until more serious complications develop. In fact 45% of whiplash victims report they still suffer with symptoms two years after the indicial incident.

Prevention is the most effective way to avoid whiplash, there are few precautions one can take such as:
·      Properly adjusting the car seat headrest. Make sure that the headrest is positioned properly according to the your height.
·      Using the proper safety equipment when participating in sports.
·      Obey laws and regulations on carnival high-velocity rides, such as roller coasters.
·      Monitor children's activities to prevent falls or serious injuries
·      Drive safely
      ·      No matter how small of an accident still get a professional opinion.

Even without symptoms, it’s prudent to see a doctor in the case of a car accident. There can be damage without symptoms, or there can be delayed symptoms. If you or someone you know is experiencing pains or discomfort from car accident, it may be a good time to get checked by a local chiropractor. If you're looking for professional and experienced high-rated Florida orthopedic surgeons, contact Sea Spine Orthopedic Institute today at ( or call  866-816-ORTHO.

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